On the last weekend we made our first official gig as siduction at CLT 2012. We shared a space with Debian, as we used to before, so the only difference was the name. Of course we heard a lot of jokes about another change of names and also people asking for the reasons. We answered those as best we could and there was no negative reactions. We had quite many intersted visitors and many interesting talks with people from other projects. As always, CLT was perfectly organized, so my thanks go to the orga team. You can tell, that they understand the needs of the linux crowd, which cannot be said of all conventions. We had a lot of fun. My thanks also go to towo, ab_ , bluelupo and ralfi for manning our booth.
Today i got notice that our application for the project siduction qualified for a sponsored booth at this year’s LinuxTag in Berlin from May 23 -26. We will share a big booth with Debian and Kanotix, as last year. QT-Project might join us as well.
Background to that is, that we plan to do a release of our razor-qt flavour live at our booth and show on a big TFT, how such a release is done. All this will happen during a release-party on the evening of May 23. Hopefuly razor-qt will be in shape for at lease a development release by then.