Some Useful Links to the siduction Djungle

Let me today spread a link or 2 that might help you find your way around siduction and keep on top of what is happening.

The first one is siduction-map, which shows domains, subdomains, IRC-Channels and mailing lists we have at the moment. it will grow with the project. Link No. 2 shows the git activity within the project for those that wish to follow a bit closer. This link so far shows mostly infrastructural changes and commits from the art-team, but developement towards an initial release will pick up soonish on there.

Both links at the moment require you to register on our developement platform Chili. This might be uncomfortable for now, but the siduction map will move to the new website as soon as it goes online. The git activity will stay on Chili, as its part of the developement, as is the bugtracker that will be hosted within Chili as well. Sorry for the inconvinience.

Last but not least let me point you to our IRC-Logs, that cover all the meetings we held so far, plus, later on tonite, 3 logs from IRC-Tutorials held in #siduction-college

One thought on “Some Useful Links to the siduction Djungle

  1. Schön und gut der link zur, aber wenn er ernst gemeint ist (davon gehe ich aus) dann *muss* der auch *leicht und dauerhaft auffindbar* sein, und zwar dort wo man ihn ggf. auch suchen würde, nicht einfach irgendwo im blog! Er gehört in das hauptmenü, unter kontakt oder als einzelnen unterpunkt, alles andere ist userfern, dafür jedoch nahe am nirvana …

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