Due to a very tenacious bug in our installer, that took some time to fix and after some stabilization for systemd, we decided to put out a set of fresh images. Besides the fixes we ship KDE 4.12.1 with this set of images called siduction 2013.2.1.
The bug in the installer affected mostly users that had an install of our predecessor aptosid installed at some point and had one of their greek codenames still in /etc/aptosid-version or used non-asci characters in the installer. So that was fun.
We also tried to ship kernel 3.13, but due to a still unsolved regression it would not boot past busybox in KVM or VBox. So we went back to 3.12-8 for siduction 2013.2.1.
For 2014.1 we will keep on working on the instsaller UI, which is too cluttered overall.