I am sure, everyone has heard about Ubuntu’s new package format snap by now. Today I wanted to try the brand new and still hot off the press LibreOffice 5.3 for a review. So I found that the Document Foundation had a snap ready for deployment. The prerequisites for siduction are not many:
# apt update && apt install snapd
After that, you can check, which snaps are avaialable for LibreOffice with:
$ snap info libreoffice
As you can see, the new version 5.3 is in the edge-channel. That is all you need to know to install it with:
# snap install libreoffice --channel=edge
Afterwards a repeated
$ snap info libreoffice
will reflect the installed packages. As you might have a version of LibreOffice already installed through your package manager, you will need to start the snap, using the full path:
$ /snap/bin/libreoffice &
Later on you can refresh them with
$ snap refresh libreoffice
Just a day or two ago, the first snaps of KDE apps turned up in the KDE-Store Tomorrow I will give flatpak, the alternative new package format by Fedora a try with libreoffice. You can read the results here tomorrow