If you’d asked me a couple days ago, if i thought, we could release this year, i would have been unsure, what to say. Since then, we picked up speed and took some important steps. What happened? On Sunday night we had our regular core-meeting with the main topics being: why is development stalling a bit and how can we get packaging and joomla-templating on rails to move on.
Since then, we have made good progress. 90% of needed packages are in our repo and first test-builds worked out. Worked out as far as that they boot. Which is great. Problems are gfxboot (broken atm) kdm and gdm graphics. We will be working on these now. We also found someone that can help us to edit the default joomla-template to our needs and still keep our changes after joomla-upgrades.
As soon as our builds look and work a bit like we expect them to do, we will widen the circle of testers by providing a download-link for the iso to selected testers to get more feedback. This will be continued until we release a first release candidate. Lets see how fast we get along. anyways, right now my faith in a release in 2011 is renewed 🙂