ChiliProject 2.6.0 has just been released. It includes some bugfixes for ChiliProject 2.5.0. It is suitable for use on production websites and we recommend that all users download the release as soon as possible.
We will upgrade our Installation today, so please excuse any posbible inconveniences. This should be the last planned upgrade of ChiliProject 2.x. We are planning a Upgrade to ChiliProject 3.0 after test later this month.
What’s included
2.6.0 includes 6 new features and 8 bug fixes for 2.5.0. None of the bug fixes is security related. The major highlights of this release are:
- ChiliProject is now fully compatible with Ruby 1.9.3
- Plugins needed by the core and user-provided plugins should now be separated. Users are advised to install their custom plugins into vendor/chiliproject_plugins from now on. This helps to distinguish plugins during updates. Existing installations with all plugins in vendor/plugins will continue to work as they used to be.
- Admins using LDAP as an authentication backend can now define arbitrary LDAP filters to further narrow down the elements eligible for authentication.
- rdm-mailhandler.rb which is used for receiving mails is usable again after fixing a regression introduced in 2.5.0
- Small bug fixes and translation improvements.