We had a (belated) core team meeting last night. We mainly had 2 topics:
- a fix-release for 2012.1 Desperado
- the permanent absence of 2 core team members
The fix-release will happen on the evening of Sun, 2012-06-24 (if sid lets us). This fix release will bring KDE SC 4.8.4-x in the same complete set as it will go into Wheezy. With the freeze for the release of Wheezy starting on 2012-06-30, we want to use the time to upgrade to this packageset, as the one on 2012.1 Desperado was a very basic one. Besides that our KDE SC image will default to Sqlite for use with akonadi instead of requiring mysql. Minor fixes to LXDE and XFCE complete the fix-release named 2012.1.1 Desperado Reloaded.
The 2nd major topic was to vote on what to do on behalf of 2 Core Team members, who have been absent for a while. The 2 member are vibora and edhunter. It was decided in a vote that both are removed from the core team. The team needs active members who take part at least in meetings and votes. Mute voices block the team because they reduce the number of members, also quorum is a problem. We will work on a policy to deal with that. Our thanks go to vibora and edhunter for the work they have done with siduction and its predecessors. We will fill the 2 empty places on the team soon. There is some candidates already, but more on that when we vote someone in.
Another topic was to set a code freeze 24 hours before a release. Find the log of the meeting, as always, on Chili.